How to participate in the Plan
People can participate in three ways:
- By participating in a work group (from July 22 to September 11, 2014)
- Providing an idea
- By asking us a question whose answer we can share with the rest of the community

How the 2nd Strategic Plan is made?
- It is made from the Strategic Plan Committee works and from the different Working Groups.

Who approves the Strategic Plan?
- After elaboration works, the shares of the institutional representatives will be incorporated. Then, the Plan must be approved by the Government Council, the Social Council and the University members.

What are the Mission and the Vision of the University?
- It is the collective description of what is currently the University of Cádiz (Mission) and what it wishes to be (Vision). In other words, where are we now and where we want to be in the future?

What a SWOT is?
- It is the acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT Analysis is a simple tool in making strategic decisions. It is based on analysing the inside and the environment of the organization. It helps an organization to find its critical strategic factors. Once identified, they will be used to support organizational changes: consolidating strengths, minimizing weaknesses, taking advantage of the opportunities and reducing threats.

What are axes, Objectives and Action Guidelines?
- The strategic axes are the basic development guidelines and they rank the Strategic Plan in big areas. They contribute in the order and the clearness of the Plan.The strategic objectives deploy the medium term goals.The action guidelines are the precise application of short-term actions that will allow the strategic objectives to be achieved.

What is the Scorecard?
- It is a management tool that provides the compliance level of the strategic objectives. That level is measured through relevant indicators.