The Delegation of the Rector for Strategic Development includes, among others, the following roles:
- To coordinate and lead the deployment process and follow-up the 2nd Strategic Plan of the University of Cádiz.
- To promote collaboration among all members of the community of the University to achieve the goals of the 2nd Strategic Plan.
To fulfil these functions, this Delegation carries out the following projects:
1. PEUCA DEPLOYMENT: To disseminate the Strategic Objectives and Action Guidelines of the 2nd PEUCA among the Centers, Departments and Units most directly involved. Its goal is the deployment of the Action guidelines and their processes, with clear deadlines and fixed leaders for each process.
2. PEUCA OUTLINE: To create some transversal strategies and some improvement groups for the sections needing a bigger coordination.
3. PEUCA COUNSELLING: To advise Units, Services and Centers in how PEUCA can be incorporated in their workflows.
4. PEUCA FOLLOW-UP: To control, evaluate and review the progress of the Plan’s indicators, as well as the fulfilment degree of the processes. This task is performed with an application called estrategia.UCA.
5. PEUCA TRANSPARENCY: During the deployment and the follow-up of the 2nd PEUCA, a special effort will be made to provide transparency to the Plan. Thus, the University Community and the interest groups will have access to all his information.