Declaration of the Quality Policy of the University of Cádiz
The University of Cádiz is an Academic Institution fully consolidated and rooted in its environment, with which it has been fully committed since its creation, almost 40 years ago. Among the marks of identity that define it, after decades of development, the progressive implantation of a culture of quality stands out, both in order to the provision of their services (as public administration at the service of society) as in the offer of degrees and the research and transfer activity towards the social and economic fabric. This situation is the result of a trajectory, whose priority focus has been the achievement of the excellence of our activity. It allows us to formulate a quality policy based on the Mission, Vision and Values of our university. This policy of Quality is synthesized in the following principles:
- Commitment to the environment. The University of Cádiz assumes an express commitment of academic and social service with the environment of the province in which it is located. That commitment is explicitly set out in the statutes of the University and it is reaffirmed with each of its actions. The result of that process is a socially responsible University, which endorses specific quality commitments in education, research, transfer and social, cultural and environmental actions, all this from the perspective of the provincial and autonomous territory as our first and most direct reference.
- Useful leadership to society. The University of Cádiz, supported and coordinated with its stakeholders, aspires to lead those aspects and key sectors for social transformation in which it has greater strengths and in which it may be of greater use to society. And so, the university expresses its will of leadership in the fields and activities that contribute to the social and economic development of the province of Cádiz and Andalusia.
- Responsible organization. The University of Cádiz is committed to the constant improvement of its organization, in the best and most effective, dynamic action and flexibility of employment and dedication of the resources. All this, following its own strategy of future action, expressed in its current Strategic Plan, and through the efficient and appropriate use of the resources and capabilities available.
- Growth and improvement based on People. The University of Cádiz is an academic university organization in which the skills, competences, motivation, commitment and dedication of the people that integrate it are the axis that structures our growth. For this reason, the University of Cádiz seeks the best working conditions, the continuous encouragement and support and the best motivation of its staff, in the interest of the conservation and the valorization of their commitment and professional performance.
- Perspective of innovation, employment and support for social and business activity, as key factors of growth. The University of Cádiz assumes the programming and the fulfillment of its objectives and functions through dynamic approaches and strategies that allow us to adapt to the changes of our social and economic environment. In view of this perspective, the University of Cádiz defines as a transversal element of its organizational culture the technical innovation, the creativity, the internationalization of our activity, the integration of relevant technological changes as a means of improving our services, the recognition of the influence of technology on educational models (in particular, within the framework of innovation in teaching) and the improvement in employment and in the support of business initiatives (mainly, through education and transfer). A new conception of university activity and a new way to lead the organization is sought, which allows us to overcome threats and to create value in our institution and for our society.
- Integral education. Qualified education, intimately linked to the generation, custody and transmission of technical, scientific and academic knowledge, claims, both for our own university community and for the rest of society, for a broader perspective, which includes initiatives for transversal education and transmission of values. That global perspective, particularly with our students, is addressed from the University of Cádiz, among other channels, through the formation and transmission of social principles and values, the consolidation of the principle of equality, of social commitment, of language formation and learning, of the international vision, the improvement of employment and entrepreneurship, the valorization of culture and humanistic heritage, the promotion of the practice of sport and the assumption of its values and solidarity.
- Generation and empowerment of networks and alliances. The University of Cádiz promotes the creation and development of networks and scientific and academic aggregations with universities, institutions, companies and stakeholders. This collaboration is understood as a bidirectional mechanism, in which those entities bring perspectives to the university, allowing our own assessment and the improve of our commitment to the environment.
- Positive impact and recognition of its stakeholders. The University of Cádiz is an institution where the responsible development of its activity, the achievement of results, the transparency and publicity of its actions and the accountability are crucial and essential elements of its management. Elements and perspectives that contribute to the improvement processes committed to the institution. The participation in those processes of the stakeholders and the consideration of their requirements not only constitute an obligation of the responsible action of the university, but also decisively results in the best recognition of our university by its stakeholders.