The UCA provides training to its community on how to conduct video meetings efficiently. 7 July 2020
The Delegation of the Rector for Strategic Development continues with the training of the teaching and research staff (PDI) and the administration and services staff (PAS) of the University of Cádiz, holding a workshop to carry out video meetings efficiently, which has been held from June 22 to 26, 2020.
In these times of forced and sudden transition from face-to-face meetings to virtual ones, the Delegation of the Rector for Strategic Development contributes to improving efficiency in carrying out the latter.

The workshop “How to make efficient video meetings”, taught by Antonio Javier González Rueda, Commissioner for 2nd PEUCA, and Cristina Vallejo Muñoz, technician of the Delegation of the Rector for Strategic Development, was set up to take place in 5 hours divided between autonomous work and a final webinar. All the available places were filled and the involvement on the part of the members of the university community to which it was directed was exceptional.