The updating of the Quality Policy of the UCA was approved by the Governing Council 18 December 2017
In the Governing Council of December 18, 2017, the updating of the Quality Policy Document of the UCA was approved, following an evaluation, review and improvement process carried out within the framework of the Strategic Group for Continuous Improvement and after its prior approval in the Quality Council held on December 14, 2017.
In a context of continuous imporvement, the update not only aligns itself with the Strategic Plan but also improves and updates its wording in relation to degrees and centers of the UCA expanding its coverage to research and transfer as well as the services. It is completed with a generic process map for the whole University.
The updating of the document of Quality Policy of the UCA has been led by the Vice-Rector of Planning with the collaboration of the Delegation of the Rector for Strategic Development as well as the Vice-Rector for Social Responsability, Cultural Extension and Services. It has had a process of participation and broad consensus.
The document can be accessed at: