The UCA provides training to its community on Improvement Plans and Data Analysis at the University. 14 June 2019
On the context of the 2019 Training Plan, aimed to academic and non-academic staff of the UCA, Rector´s Delegation for Strategic Development has celebrates two monographic workshops about improvement plans and data analysis at the University. First was celebrated on 29 May 2019 and this workshop was delivered by Delegation´s staff and Mrs. Aurora Márquez Pérez ( University Library Technician ). Second was celebrates on 12 June 2019 and was delivered by Mrs. Teresa Bausá Gallén, Chief of Servei d’Anàlisi i Planificació (Universitat de València).
These training actions look for helping to enhance the functions established for this Delegation: To promote collaboration among all members of the community of the University to achieve the goals of the 2nd Strategic Plan.
Both workshops completed their forty places, available for each workshop and had a very active participation by the enrolled.