The UniRank ranking is an international ranking of universities based on their presence on websites and their popularity.
The University of Cádiz, which obtained in the 2018 edition the 28th place among the 58 Spanish public universities, has managed to improve its position in 2019, ranking 25th and positioning itself, on both occasions, as the fifth Andalusian university.
With respect to the international ranking of Spanish-speaking universities, the UCA also improves in the 2019 edition with respect to 2018, going from 43rd to 40th. The presence of the University of Cádiz in social networks places it in 25th position in the ranking of Spanish universities on Facebook, which includes 74 universities, both public and private. Likewise, the UCA is ranked 11th in the ranking of Spanish Universities on Twitter, which includes 73 public and private universities. In both cases, the UCA achieves the 4th position among the Andalusian Universities, behind the Universities of Granada, Seville and Málaga, respectively.